It will only show up if I insert a file in it, and Sync again. I sync BB (through clicking Option key + Restore Options, and then clicking Backup Now to make it faster), but when I logon to > View/Restore Files, the folder is not showing up. I create a test folder, with no file in it.I mean on Dropbox it would simply replicate what's happening on my hard drive. mp3 after these 2 operations the test file is found at both locations (in the folder, and the sub-folder), as if it's not being deleted on the BB server after I moved it back or deleted on my Macbook hard drive. BUT then, when I logon to > View/Restore Files, the. By syncing BB I mean through clicking Option key + Restore Options, and then clicking Backup Now to make it faster. mp3 file, and MOVE it to a newly created subfolder, sync my drive with BB, and then MOVE it BACK. Now two things which I have noticed and might be deal breakers for me if not fixed: I synced my Macbook drive easily the first time since I have a fast connection, in BB Performance Settings I chose manual speed to the maximum backup speed, and in Exclusions Settings I removed all the file types to backup the maximum files, and in Schedule Settings I kept Continously. I've been looking for such a cloud solution on top of my Dropbox, because as much as I love Dropbox, BB allows me to have a second cloud backup for little money, and additionally backup my external 8TB drive since there's no space limit (unlike Dropbox for now). I experienced consistent frame drops in the logs, so I had to reduce to 20 FPS per camera, and even then the fans ran all the time, the closet was hot and noisy.First of all I want to say to I'm really grateful to have found BB through another Reddit convo. Prior to this M1, I was running SS on a maxed out late-2019 Intel Mac Mini with 32 GB ram and a 1 TB SSD as a dedicated security camera computer. After an hour of simultaneous installations (Plex server scanning, Adobe Creative Cloud installs, Backblaze migration, iCloud Drive syncing for the first time) *while* running all both SS and Sighthound, I reached over to touch the case, it was ice cold. So, because it's silent, I decided to use this Mac Mini as my main computer until Apple releases new hardware later this year. I'm also running Sighthound (only for the pet detection, believe it or not), nothing phases this thing. There is no fan noise, everything is butter, the companion SecuritySpy iOS app feels much more responsive now. I just migrated the SS pref file to the M1 and I'm running three 4K Axis cameras at 30 FPS.